Friday, September 27, 2013

[Update] Random Hiatus

The last time I blogged and reviewed on a product, it was April. Five months have passed since then and the reason for my hiatus was due to the various freshmen orientations camps I was participating in. It had been a hectic period (of fun!) and also, there were other personal issues.

Recently, I felt that I do enjoy blogging a lot and so I decided to start doing it again despite the lack of viewership. To be honest, I didn't start the blog because I wanted to make myself known on a social media platform; it was because I do really enjoy writing, blogging, and reviewing on the various products that I have used and would like to store those opinions somewhere.

For the past few weeks, I have been getting many new products and I will do a review on everything in due time. My favourite discovery since last month has been Lush because the brand is purely amazing. Do keep a lookout on reviews of the Lush products. I promise I won't disappoint :) And of course, I won't be biased towards other products because everything has served me well for this couple of months.

I won't promise a timely update/review though, because university is really tough for me, because I'm not the brainiest person around. Nonetheless, I will blog when time permits :)

So stay tuned to this blog and do give comments on how I can improve or your own opinions of the products. Sharing is caring my dears.


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